The theme for the winter issue is Beginnings.
Money, work, productivity, sense of doing good in a sustainable way (for me as well as the world)... these are the thoughts and challenges that are occupying my head at the moment. But all is well.
I look at the garden, at the magazine, at the sky, at the order I've just placed for 15 yoga mats, at my own writing and at the words that describe the ideas for courses to be run at the centre, and it's obvious why the theme right now is beginnings - even while the temperature drops and things move into that quiet winter space.
And winter is a fascinating time to think about beginnings. Winter is the time when we are most like seeds. With the mag coming out on the solstice I'm expecting it to be a slender volume indeed, but I'd love for it to be a worthy nut.
Would you be interested in contributing?
The aim is to produce magazines that focus on a particular theme (nature, mental health, intimacy, beginnings...) in ways which give the reader hope, inspire them to be creative and to share their creativity with others and grow goodwill in the world. Food, community, health, life stories, issues, interviews, businesses, relationships, art, fiction... they all fall under the blanket of the magazine if they fulfil those goals of inspiring hope, using creativity and coming from a place of goodwill.
I'm sure you have something to say!?! Why not share it?
The first issue will be out around the Winter solstice and the theme is beginnings. Where do beginnings come from? What gives them energy? What's been beginning for you? How do other people share in your beginnings? And how does each ending give us teachings about beginnings? Etc, etc.
I think my key writing tip for these things is to be really specific. Too many people saying what they think gets preachy and boring. People being really clear and precise about one individual experience or event and how it unfolded is interesting and illuminating. Inspiring!
I know the word "submissions" sounds intimidating. It sounds like you're putting something in to be assessed, tested, accepted or rejected. That's a tough way to approach sharing a story. I'm an editor and promoter of clear thinking and great sharing. Telling stories is a part of our inheritance as humans. We've always got together in communities and sung, stomped, clapped and talked. Around fires, over dinner tables, while walking...
My aim is to take what you write and find a way to share it. Bear with me if that takes some time and work.
Many thanks,